Nous facilitons les confirmations pour les entreprises à travers le monde entier.

"Technology-driven, paperless audits are the way forward. External confirmations, as mandated in SA 505, are usually a manual, client-dependent process. Confirmation's paperless automated service helps us comply with SA 505, significantly improve the audit quality, and bring in greater efficiencies within the audit."

K. M. Ranjith


"Going forward, we are moving in the direction of paperless, technology-driven audits. With Confirmation, we have been able to streamline, automate and digitise the confirmation process with zero client interference, helping us meet the requirements of SA505."

Shalu Kedia

Associate Director

"Confirmation has really helped us in automating and streamlining our audit process for requesting and receiving balance confirmation certificate and meeting SA505 requirements. It has helped us to save time and costs involved in manual process followed earlier. It provides us with single client-specific dashboard which enables our audit team to track and monitor every confirmation."

Girish Padiyar


« Confirmation nous permet de répondre aux demandes légales d'audit par voie électronique. Nous pouvons suivre toutes les demandes en un seul endroit, réduire le temps que nous consacrons aux courriers, aux courriels et aux appels téléphoniques, et garantir un taux de réponse de 100 %. Nos clients apprécient également que la solution nous aide à clôturer leur audit plus rapidement. »

Nilanjan Ghose


"Confirmation makes requesting bank letters more efficient, especially with the training provided. We now have a modern process to obtain quality audit evidence through an encrypted platform. We are also seeing bank letters returned before the audit starts, and with accurate financial data, which saves us time and money on our audits."

Daniel Dalla 


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Réduction des erreurs de confirmation signalées par les clients

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Nombre de cabinets comptables utilisant notre plate-forme pour des confirmations d'audit simplifiées

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Nombre de banques, parmi les 100 plus grandes au monde, qui font confiance à Confirmation pour leurs réponses sécurisées

Une procédure plus efficace

Comment le cabinet d'audit Clark Nuber a stimulé la productivité, réduit les coûts et amélioré la motivation. Lire la suite >

Économiser temps et argent

How a Top 15 U.S. bank responded to nearly 8,000 confirmation requests in less than two days. Read more >